Cowpea also known as black eyed as it has a black colored eye shaped spot on it. They are also known as field peas, Lobia and Chawla. It is a pale color legume and is soft textured. Cowpea is warm season annual herbaceous legume.
Our variety ranges in sizes from small to nearly 6-10 inches long and Seeds are kidney shaped somewhat curved with white cream and red color. They are unique because they taste wonderful without any spices. They may be cooked as dal or just boiled to a thick consistency and mixed with diced tomatoes, onion and salt for snack.
Cowpea is rich in potassium with good amount of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, vitamin A and C. It is an excellent source of fiber, foliate and iron. Cowpea tones the spleen, stomach and pancreas. It is also known to help induce urination and relieves damp conditions like leucorhea . The soluble fiber found in these beans have low Glycemic index and provide low risk for diabetes. They are rich in lignin preventing osteoporosis and heart diseases. Phytosterols present in the beans may help- reduce blood cholesterol level.
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